Invisalign (Clear Braces)

Invisalign is a popular means of straightening crooked teeth. These clear braces move teeth back into the proper positions within the mouth without compromising your smile aesthetic or taking several years. While regular braces are somewhat unsightly and sometimes take several years to straighten teeth, Invisalign translucent aligners are barely noticeable and work their magic in surprisingly little time. You can open you mouth wide while wearing Invisalign clear aligners and people won’t have any idea you are using Invisalign to straighten your teeth. These clear aligners slide right over the teeth, enhancing the look of your smile without compromising your beautiful smile.

Invisalign relies on attachments comprised of dental bonding that are diminutive dots with the same hue as your teeth. These attachments are positioned on the teeth to ensure the aligners have the proper grip. The attachments form the anchor points necessary to apply the aligner’s force. The Invisalign system also relies on buttons which are small brackets that function as an anchor, setting the stage for the application of rubber bands if necessary. If you are interested in learning more about the merits of Invisalign and would like to find out if you are a candidate for this breakthrough teeth-straightening solution, reach out to Michael D. Levy at (215) 855-0707.